
'Good Item' image from the Biscuit theme

Mix one part checkout with one part cooking show, and this is the result. "Julia" leads you through making some wonderful biscuits. It's a fun theme you just have to see and try out a few voices -- from the loving homage in "Julia", to the sheer baking excitement of Kjerstin, to the ecstaticly-super Amy.

Real recipe. Real pictures. Real biscuits.

To install the theme, please choose from one of the files linked below. Then follow the directions on the instructions page.

You may also want to check out the Biscuit credits page.

Sub-theme Description Install file .zip version Sequoya version
Biscuit "Julia" Voiced by Andy Gricevich InstallBiscuitJuliaTheme.exe InstallBiscuitJuliaThemeSequoya.exe
Biscuit Amy Voiced by Amy Fenn InstallBiscuitAmyTheme.exe InstallBiscuitAmyThemeSequoya.exe
Biscuit Kjerstin Voiced by Kjerstin Bell InstallBiscuitKjerstinTheme.exe InstallBiscuitKjerstinThemeSequoya.exe