Below are the themes with install files for many different libraries. If this is all new to you, check out the install instructions

The following libraries have had the themes personalized, and have their own pages: Chapel Hill, McMillan/Wisconsin Rapids, Reedsburg, Sequoya, and Verona

If you'd like install files configured for your library, please get in contact.


'Scan Card' image from the Pirate theme

Ahoy, matey! 'Twas the first, and by far the most popular theme. Arr! Your patrons will be speakin' to ye in Pirate 'fore the day is old. This theme be especially proper fer International Talk Like a Pirate Day, occurrin' every September 19th when good folk swap their high-falutin' lingo for some decent Pirate.

To install it, please download the self-extracting InstallPirateTheme.exe and follow the directions on the instructions page. (There's also a zipped version - This download contains four versions of the theme, with mostly-different vocal samples in each theme.

Pig Latin

'Scan Item' image from the Pig Latin theme

Have you watched patrons, where you swear they never read the screen, then run into problems? With this theme, patrons often intensely look at it, deciphering it word by word.

This theme tends to be popular among the more seasoned library veterans. Beware, though, as some of them will try to confuse you by actually speaking this odd language.

To install it, please download the self-extracting InstallPigTheme.exe and follow the directions on the instructions page. (There's also a zipped version - This download contains three versions of the theme, with mostly-different vocal samples in each theme.


'Scan Item' image from the Zombie theme

"BRAAAINS!" - This theme has "advanced" in the name for a reason -- the helpful text instructions are primarily in Zombie, and the helpful audio instructions are "brains". Literally, the theme says nothing but "brains", using over 50 different samples from library staff and patrons.

Don't let the difficulty dissuade you, though -- this is a patron favorite that has been successfully used to distract rowdy children in order to let their parents quickly get them in the mood to checkout and go.

To install it, please download the self-extracting InstallZombieTheme.exe and follow the directions on the instructions page. (There's also a zipped version -

Zombie Hunter

'Scan Item' image from the Zombie Hunter theme

"Ready to take out some zombies?" This is a great partner to the zombie theme, especially around Halloween. A zombie hunter teaches you the ropes, helping you "take out some zombies". Fire your card and get your items ready, so that neither you nor your new partner fall to the zombie horde.

To install it, please download the self-extracting InstallZombieHunterTheme.exe and follow the directions on the instructions page. (There's also a zipped version -

Guided Meditation

'Good Item' image from the Guided Meditation theme

Breathe deeply. you're about to send a piece of your light to the stars.

When this theme was first made, the makers were afraid that some people might be upset over the lightly tongue-in-cheek way this theme treats the concept.

There was nothing to worry about. Patrons loved this theme -- to the point of wanting to meet "Astrid" and "Amy" because the patrons really were breathing deeply, and really were being calmed by the theme.

In fact, one patron felt so moved by it that she ended up talking about it at the Wisconsin Library Association's annual meeting in 2010 as part of "Pirates, Patrons, and You - themes for self-checkout". This theme may have started out as a parody, but it ended up as something much greater.

See the Guided Meditation theme page for additional themes that use different voice samples.

To install it, please download the self-extracting InstallMeditationTheme.exe and follow the directions on the instructions page. (There's also a zipped version -

Baby Talk

'Bad Card/Bad Item' image from the Baby Talk theme

To be fair, this is not a hugely popular theme. However, it hits the concept precisely, through cloying voice work and appropriately-scolding library staff. Some people will find it sweet (especially the singing parts), but this is probably best as a short-term, "variety" theme.

See the Baby Talk theme page for additional themes that use different voice samples.

To install it, please download the self-extracting InstallBabyTalkTheme.exe and follow the directions on the instructions page. (There's also a zipped version -

Ninja / Silent Ninja

'Good Item' image from the Ninja theme

Ninja Day comes on December 5th, but it comes so stealthily that you may not notice until it has passed -- Much like the Silent Ninja theme, where you may not notice the patron until they're done checking out. Well, unless they mess up, at which point the entire library will know about it.

Both the main variations of this theme tend to go over well, with the Silent Ninja theme best for those who wish the self-checkout would just be quiet and scan some books.

See the Ninja theme page for additional themes that use different voice samples.

To install the regular Ninja theme, please download the self-extracting InstallNinjaTheme.exe and follow the directions on the instructions page. (There's also a zipped version -

To install the silent Ninja theme, please download the self-extracting InstallNinjaSilentTheme.exe and follow the directions on the instructions page. (There's also a zipped version -

Checkout: the Musical

'Take Receipt' image from the Checkout: the Musical theme

We want you to sing, so scan your card.

Music is fun, music is memorable, so why not music to help you through checkout?

This theme has a nice, person-sings-you-through-checkout vibe. That said, it's still a bit incomplete. Yes, it stands on its own as it is now, but more voices and other songs would make it even better. Get in contact and help this theme become even greater.

To install it, please download the self-extracting InstallMusicalClayTheme.exe and follow the directions on the instructions page. (There's also a zipped version -


'Take Receipt' image from the Haiku theme

A poetry theme
Directions in five-seven-five
Verse budding like plants

April is National Poetry Month, and this is a fitting theme. The directions really are in haiku whenever possible, with some shorter areas being just five syllables.

One point of warning, though -- this theme is a bit Sequoya-centric in places. If you'd like a more neutral theme (or one that works at times other than spring), please get in contact and Clay will help you make the theme work.

See the Haiku theme page for additional themes that use different voice samples.

To install it, please download the self-extracting InstallHaikuTheme.exe and follow the directions on the instructions page. (There's also a zipped version -

Towel Day

'Good Item' image from the Towel Day theme.  See credits page for original.

May 25th is Towel Day, celebrated first in 2001, two weeks after Douglas Adams's untimely death at the age of 49. The theme is a celebration of his life and work, with the focus on The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. A towel is about the most massively useful thing, and it's celebrated with this theme.

More personally, Clay's brother's last name is Fortytwo. "42" is the answer to life, the universe, and everything. It's too bad that we can never know the question.

This theme was designed with the idea that it would be a single-day theme. It's not quite as complete as some of the later themes.

To install it, please download the self-extracting InstallTowelTheme.exe and follow the directions on the instructions page. (There's also a zipped version -


'Scan Card' image from the Robot theme

With all the whirring, clicking, and beeping, this seems like a natural fit for the self-checks. From a tinny "Scan card now", to a Douglas-Adams-influenced "Glad to be of service", this theme is an efficient and fitting way to welcome our robot overlords.

To install it, please download the self-extracting InstallRobotClayTheme.exe and follow the directions on the instructions page. (There's also a zipped version -


'Scan Card' image from the Gameshow theme

The Gameshow theme takes patrons through a game of "Check It Out!", which also includes a sub-game called "Scan the Item". An excited announcer and an engaged crowd lead the patron through the game while attempting to keep them away from THE STAFF OF DOOM.

To install it, please download the self-extracting InstallGameshowTheme.exe and follow the directions on the instructions page. (There's also a zipped version -


'Good Item' image from the Biscuit theme

Mix one part checkout with one part cooking show, and this is the result. "Julia" leads you through making some wonderful biscuits. It's a fun theme you just have to see and try out a few voices -- from the loving homage in "Julia", to the sheer baking excitement of Kjerstin, to the ecstaticly-super Amy.

Real recipe. Real pictures. Real biscuits.

See the Biscuit theme page for additional themes that use different voice samples.

To install it, please download the self-extracting InstallBiscuitJuliaTheme.exe and follow the directions on the instructions page. (There's also a zipped version -


'Scan Another Item' image from the Storybook theme

Once upon a time, there was a library card...

...and so it begins. Follow the earnest library card as it attempts to help bring joys home.

With expressive, crayon-drawn graphics and a choice of Andy, Clay, and Nicky as readers (Links are the "Scan Card" sounds), the library card will help patrons check items out and avoid the beeping library troll.

To install it, please download the self-extracting theme with the voice of your choice - Andy, Clay, or Nicky and follow the directions on the instructions page. (There's also zipped versions - Andy, Clay, or Nicky)


'Bad Card' image from the Irish themes

C'mere, lad, it's time to check out the Irish way

Designed for St. Patrick's Day, but generalized enough to work at any point in the year.

Rather than being the "Irish" theme, these are the "Irish Andy" and "Irish Clay" themes; it's not in Irish, though some people might wonder what a "chin wag" is.

To get an idea of which accent you'd prefer, check out Andy's or Clay's "Scan card" sound. Also, be sure to check out Andy and Clay's duet that sends patrons on their way with a jaunty Irish tune.

To install it, please download the self-extracting theme with the voice of your choice - Andy or Clay, and follow the directions on the instructions page. (There's also zipped versions - Andy, Clay)